Tuesday, March 07, 2006

The Oscars

So I ended up watching the Oscars last night. Or part of the Oscars at least. One TV was airing a re-run starting at 9:30PM. By 11PM I was already dozing off in front of the television. I went to bed at 12:30 and they still had a while to go. My friend who was watching the whole thing said it lasted until about 2AM. Four and a half hours is just waaaaaaaay too long!

I don't get why they don't try to make the Oscars shorter, more fun, more dynamic. They could have easily shaved an hour off the ceremony, by removing all those long edits of old movies, or by removing the speech made by the president of Academy Awards association or whoever he is...

Anyway, here is the list of all the nominees and winners. And here is a very cool blog dedicated to criticizing what stars wear. Of course, the Oscars are the perfect place to gather juicy material about the stars and their sometimes questionable fashion sense.

Jon Stewart, host of the Daily Show, hosted the ceremony for the first time, and did a pretty decent job. The best joke of the night:

"Bjork couldn't be here tonight. She was trying on her dress and Dick Cheney shot her", in reference to the swan-like outfit she once wore to the Oscars. What the hell was she thinking?


sky said...

Jon Stewart was great!
Between the Cheney line and the Clooney jokes, he had me laughing out loud, which you know is a rare occurence with me when I'm watching tv.
(Unless it's Spongebob Squarepants).

The opening sequence when he wakes up next to Clooney was hilarious, and I loved the payed ads skit they did.

But you're right, the Oscars were way too long, I stopped watching at 11'30.

Anonymous said...

I only watch to hear good looking people, well dressed and all, say the most idiotic stuff (most of the time)

As for the Cheney thing - I think it was mostly about Cheney (Mr pro-gun who shot his hunting partner) than Bjork's dress, and that's why I found this one particularly funny. And Jon Stewart was very good but the audience was BOOOOOOORING!

Dubai Sunshine said...

Chazoo, I know that the Cheney reference was about him shooting his hunting partner....But why would Cheney shoot Bjork unless she looked like a bird? That's what I was trying to explain :)

Anonymous said...

I know, I know - but what I appreciated most, was the Cheney part of this joke, and not Bjork's ugly swan dress. Yet again, a demonstration that there are a bunch of big idiot oafs, at the head of that country, who are trigger happy and can't discern an ugly swan dress from the real thing but who still chant their pro-gunness too all. Let's not get into this

Anyhoo - I got your point.

And I love your lavender beanie!!!

sky said...

That lavender beanie is getting a lot of mileage.
FYI, it was mine!!!
Just like almost everything else DS wears!


vasilisa said...

Yes, Jon Stewart is the only reason I even attempted to watch it. The show is so loooong and booooring. I'm starting a campaign for modification of the show for next year. They've gotta make some changes. Seriously.

Here is my open letter to the Academy, and they better read it :-)http://whereisprometheus.blogspot.com/2006/03/open-letter-to-academy-of-motion.html

By the way, I like your blog. I think your posts are very well written.

Keep up the good job :-)

Dubai Sunshine said...

Welcome to my blog Vasilisa. Every year, we hear how the ratings for the Oscars have dropped. Well, maybe if they did something about it (i.e. shortened the ceremony, made it more fun, more dynamic), then people would start watching again! They need to bring the spontaneity back.