Sunday, March 26, 2006

My beach

Some pictures of the beach I have been going to ever since I can remember... It's so beautiful on a sunny day, with a slight breeze, and a perfect blue sky...

Just like my father and my sister, I really believe a day at the beach is more therapeutic than anything else in the world.

I am really just trying to make all my Canadian friends (and yes, you too Habz) jealous :)


sky said...

I am very wise.

Anonymous said...

Ouais, ben c'est reussi !

Il pleut depuis une eternite ici... I hate u !


Anonymous said...

I beg to differ....I think thawing ones frozen snot after being hit with an arctic air blast, sent our way from our neighbors to the north(EY!)is more theraputic!......
I mean come on DXB SS, LOGIC!

Dubai Sunshine said...

Sky, please....I am still the wisest :)

Sissy...yalla! Il est temps que tu nous rendes visite! Ca va faire un an depuis ton dernier sejour aux Emirats!

HABZ, please don't blame Canada for everything...It's not always their fault :)

sky said...

DS, the South Park guys wouldn't agree... "Blame Canadaaaaaaaaaa"