Friday, December 01, 2006

National Day

This year again, the national day holiday is not unified across the public and private sectors.

National Day this year falls on a Saturday, which has officially become the weekend for all public sector employees just a couple of months ago.

The public sector is therefore getting Sunday off. Some (very few) private sector companies have decided to give their employees Sunday off as well. Most private sector companies are functioning normally on Sunday.

Why is there still this discrepancy. Why can't holidays be unified. Why can't the government agree that if a holiday falls on a weekend, we get an extra weekday off to compensate (i.e. if a holiday falls on a Saturday, we get the Sunday off too!).

Anyway, happy National Day to all...the United Arab Emirates are celebrating their 35th birthday by the way!


Anonymous said...

Hi Sunshine,

100% agree. It's so goddam tedious this whole holiday / weekend interaction...

My wife get's the Sunday and I don't... both work in private sector.

hey ho!



Anonymous said...

Arrete de te plaindre !
Tu veux pas qu'on te donne toute la semaine tant qu'a faire ? Ya hayate c'est comme ca partout dans le monde... If a holiday falls on a weekend, well, c'est la faute a pas de chance !
Bon, ton business trip, c'etait bien ? T'etais ou ?

Bisous !

secretdubai said...

If I ruled the world, I would totally do away with the entire concept of the "public secctor". I have no clue how I would do this, I just know that no such thing as a goverment employee or civil servant would exist. Or if it did, it would exist under conditions far worse than any private sector employees.

BuJ said...

It's a very simple thing and yet we cannot unify this basic holiday. There's nothing tricky about predicting when 2 December comes every year. Fortunately there's no moon to be sighted for this! Yet, confusion reigns supreme!

I agree with SD about abolishing the public sector. In the UK you never hear of public sector holidays! There are just bank holidays which most people take (but I remember we still had lectures at uni back in the days!)

Restaurant Cleaning Quincy said...

Loved reading thhis thank you