Thursday, June 21, 2007

Yeah yeah....

I haven't been posting much lately....I know...

Blogging is like exercising... (except much less tiring!). Once you stop for a few days, it's hard to get back into it. Plus, nothing interesting is happening in my life. Here are some random thoughts cause I'm too tired to organize them into a post that makes sense:

  • I am overworked again. It's become a yearly thing: summers are busy...

  • As a result, I'm tired. Physically, mentally, emotionally....Just tired...I need a break!

  • A mini-break is coming up next week. Not really a break, because part of it involves work, the other part will be pleasure, but most of it will be spent on various planes. Hmm...I'm gonna need a break after mini-break!

  • I need sleep! Unfotunately, I'm not one of those people who can sleep easily on planes...So forget about catching up on sleep on my various plane trips.

  • It's officially summer today...But it's been hot here for around 2 months's really bad. Is this year worse than last year? Or is it just me forgetting how hot it was last year?

OK that's all I can come up with tonight...My brain is mush....I promise that my next post will be more interesting...

1 comment:

BuJ said...

Bil 3afya inshalla.. :)

6arsheelna 9uwar min el ijaza!